Hail Mary Full Of Grace lyrics
Davey ArthurHail Mary full of grace
You've seen this man with the look in his face
But he's all washed up and he's lost his soul
From years playing bars and the rock n roll
Twenty years on the road fair play
But oh to see his kids for a day
That's the price he's had to pay
For a life today
Hail Mary full of grace
You've seen this man with the look in his face
With an Armalite and a brand new gun
Passing it down from father to son
On either side they're all the same
Self made pawns in the patriot game
That's the price they've had to pay
For a life today
Hail Mary full of grace
You've seen this girl with the look in her face
A sixteen year old still working the street
For a man who don't care if she dies on her feet
It's no way out being on the game
So much for her dreams, has turned to shame
That's the price she's had to pay
For a life today
Hail Mary full of grace
You've seen this man with the look in his face
Well he don't give a damn about the working man
He's got it all wrapped up in his government plan
It's you and me that's caught in the middle
And hey diddle diddle it was on the fiddle
That's the price we've had to pay
For a life today
Song Details

Songwriter: Davey Arthur
Brief: The song looks at different life scenarios and the price we pay for the choices we make throughout our lives: the musician who has spent more time working bars than spending time with his children; the patriot fighting for freedom over generations; the young girl who has become a prostitute in the hope for a better life; the political parties we vote for who "don't give a damn about the working man."
Armalite - a lightweight high-velocity rifle
pawn - a person or an entity used to further the purposes of another
working the street - the act of prostituting
Genre: Irish Folk Song
Featured Artist: Davey Arthur - Irish Folk singer, banjo, mandolin and guitar player born in Donegal, Ireland - best known for the time he spent performing with The Fureys.
Album: Celtic Side Saddle (Dec 5, 1994).