Heart like a Wheel lyrics
The CorrsSome say the heart is just like a wheel
When you bend it you can't mend it
And my love for you is like a sinking ship
My heart is on that ship out in mid-ocean
They say that death is a tragedy
It comes once and then it's over
But my one only wish is for that deep dark abyss
For what's the use of living with no true lover
And it's only love and it's only love
That can break a human being and turn him inside out
That can break a human being and turn him inside out
When harm is done, no love can be won
I know it happens frequently
What I can't understand
Please God hold my hand
Is why it should have happened to me
And it's only love and it's only love
That can break a human being and turn him inside out
That can break a human being and turn him inside out
Some say the heart is just like a wheel
When you bend it you can't mend it
And my love for you is like a sinking ship
My heart is on that ship out on mid-ocean
And it's only love and it's only love
And it's only love, it is only love
And it's only love, it is only love
And it's only love, it is only love
Song Details
Words & Music: Anna McGarrigle - Canadian folk singer, musician and songwriter. She was born on Dec 4, 1944 in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. She began performing in 1970 as a duo with her sister Kate McGarrigle.
Brief: The song is about the power of love and how it can break a heart and turn it inside out. The author is in despair over the loss of love most likely from a failed relationship... she can't understand why it happened to her. She uses the analogy of a broken wheel... once you bend it, you can't mend it.
Category: Folk Song
Covers: Linda Ronstadt, Emmy Lou Harris, Heidi Berry, June Tabor, Dala, Bob Fox, Christine Collister, Billy Bragg, Peter Kurie, North Sea Gas, Frances Black, Roberta Sanchez, Linda Newlin, Sangsters, The Corrs (featured).
Album: Home (pictured)
Recorded: 2005
Released: 26 September 2005
Single Release: 24 October 2005

Please Note: Although the album tracks are all perfomed by The Corrs, links with an asterisk will take you to pages performed by other artists.
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