I'll Take You Home Again Kathleen lyrics
The Fureys & Davey ArthurI'll take you home again Kathleen
Across the ocean wild and wide
To where your heart has ever been
Since first you were my bonnie bride
The roses all have left your cheek
I've watched them fade away and die
Your voice is sad when e'er you speak
And tears bedim your loving eyes.
Oh! I will take you back, Kathleen
To where your heart will feel no pain
And when the fields are fresh and green
I'II take you to your home again!
I know you love me, Kathleen, dear
Your heart was ever fond and true.
I always feel when you are near
That life holds nothing dear, but you.
The smiles that once you gave to me
I scarcely ever see them now
Though many, many times I see
A dark'ning shadow on your brow.
Oh! I will take you back, Kathleen
To where your heart will feel no pain
And when the fields are fresh and green
I'II take you to your home Kathleen.
To that dear home beyond the sea
My Kathleen shall again return.
And when thy old friends welcome thee
Thy loving heart will cease to yearn.
Where laughs the little silver stream
Beside your mother's humble cot
And brightest rays of sunshine gleam
There all your grief will be forgot.
Oh! I will take you back, Kathleen
To where your heart will feel no pain
And when the fields are fresh and green
I'II take you to your home Kathleen.
Song Details

Music & Lyrics: Thomas P. Westendorf
Date: 1875 - The song was inspired by Westendorf's wife, who had made a visit to her home state of New York due to homesickness.
"I'll Take You Home Again Kathleen" tells the story of a man who promises to take his dear wife back to Ireland, where she longs to be. The song is full of longing and nostalgia, and it captures the feeling of homesickness that many Irish immigrants felt at the time.
The song begins with the man describing how his wife's face has lost its color and her voice is sad. He knows that she is homesick, and he promises to take her back to Ireland "across the ocean wild and wide." He tells her that she will be happy there, among the "fields fresh and green."
The song ends with the man vowing to take his wife home to Ireland, no matter what it takes. He says that he will "sail the ocean blue" and "climb the highest mountain" if it means that he can bring her home.
It's worth noting that it is not a traditional Irish song in the sense of having ancient origins in Ireland. It was composed by an American songwriter, but its adoption by Irish singers and audiences has given it a strong association with Irish music.
Genre: Traditional Pop, Irish Ballad/Folk
Covers: The Fureys (featured), Daniel O'Donnell, Foster & Allen, Ronan Tynan (The Irish Tenors), John Gary, The Shamrock Singers, Elvis Presley, Bing Crosby, Slim Whitman, Johnny Cash, Frank Patterson, Josef Locke, and many more
Featured Artists: The Fureys and Davey Arthur
Album: The Fureys Finest (1987).
Album Tracks:Please Note: Although the album tracks are all perfomed by The Fureys & Davey Arthur, links with an asterisk will take you to pages performed by other artists.
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