I Will Find You lyrics

Moya Brennan

Hope is your survival
A captive path I lead

No matter where you go, I will find you
If it takes a long, long time
No matter where you go, I will find you
If it takes a thousand years

Nachgochema anetaha

No matter where you go, I will find you
In a place with no frontiers
No matter where you go, I will find you
If it takes a thousand years

Ha le wú yu
Ga I sv
Ha le wú yu (Do na dlo sv i)
Ha le wú yu (Wi ja lo sv)

Ha le wú yu (Do na dlo sv i)
Ga I sv (Wi ja lo sv)
Ha le wú yu (Do na dlo sv i)
Ha le wú yu (Wi ja lo sv)

Ha le wú yu (Do na dlo sv i)
Ga I sv (Wi ja lo sv)
Ha le wú yu (Do na dlo sv i)
Ha le wú yu (Wi ja lo sv)

Ha le wú yu (Do na dlo sv i)
Ga I sv (Wi ja lo sv)
Ha le wú yu
Ha le wú yu

No matter where you go, I will find you
In a place with no frontiers
No matter where you go, I will find you
If it takes a thousand years

No matter where you go, I will find you
No matter where you go
No matter where you go
I will find you
I will find you

Song Details

Album Cover
Moya Brennan

Writer: Ciarán Brennan (from the band, Clannad).

Brief: The song was written for the 1992 film, The Last of the Mohicans, and released on Clannad's 13th studio album, Banba in 1993.

The album reached No. 1 on the World Music Chart along with the band's first Grammy nomination.

Moya Brennan sings the song in English, Mohican and Cherokee along with a traditional Celtic sound and haunting vocal harmonies.

The song tells the story of a love that is forbidden by the two cultures, and the Mohican phrase "Ha le wú yu ga I sv" is a declaration of the singer's determination to find her lover no matter what the obstacles.

The phrase is made up of the following words:
Ha le: This is a Mohican word that means "I will."
Wú: This is a Mohican word that means "you."
Yu: This is a Mohican word that means "to find."
Ga: This is a Mohican word that means "me."
I sv: This is a Mohican word that means "no matter what."

When these words are put together, they form the phrase "Ha le wú yu Ga I sv," which means "I will find you no matter what" - a powerful declaration of love and determination.

Genre: New-age, contemporary, Celtic

Featured Artist: Moya Brennan - Irish folk singer, songwriter, harpist, and philanthropist, best known as the lead vocalist of the popular Irish band Clannad.

Album: Heart Strings - Live album recorded at two of her 2007 concerts:

  • 21 October 2007 in the Philharmonic Hall, Liverpool
  • November 2007 in Germany

Released: September 1, 2008.

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