Katie Daly lyrics

Foster & Allen

Come down the mountain Katie Daly
Come down from the mountain Katie do
Can't you hear us callin' Katie Daly
We want to drink your Irish Mountain Dew

With her old man, Katie came from Tipperary
In the pioneering year of forty-two
Her old man he was shot in Tombstone City
For the making of his Irish Mountain Dew

Come down the mountain Katie Daly
Come down from the mountain Katie do
Can't you hear us callin' Katie Daly
We want to drink your Irish Mountain Dew

Wake up and pay attention Katie Daly
I am the judge that's going to sentence you
All the boys in court have drank your whiskey
And, to tell the truth dear Katie I drank some too

Come down the mountain Katie Daly
Come down from the mountain Katie do
Can't you hear us callin' Katie Daly
We want to drink your Irish Mountain Dew

So, off to jail they took poor Katie Daly
But very soon the gates they opened wide
An angel came for poor old Katie Daly
And took her far across the Great Divide

Come down the mountain Katie Daly
Come down from the mountain Katie do
Can't you hear us callin' Katie Daly
We want to drink your Irish Mountain Dew

Well at the golden gates there stood poor Katie,
St Peter said, good brewers they are few,
So step inside the golden gates go Katie,
And start to brew your heavenly Mountain Dew. 

Come down the mountain Katie Daly
Come down from the mountain Katie do
She'll never more be comin' down the mountain
And we nevermore will drink her Irish Mountain Dew

Song Details

Foster & Allen
Foster & Allen

Songwriter: Eamonn O'Shea

Brief: A song about Katy Daly who knew how to make a fine brew or two! She was eventually arrested for illegally brewing Irish whiskey and sent to jail where she died and went to Heaven - here she would continue her great work!

Here is an excerpt from a 'mudcat article' written by Eamonn O'Shea's niece:

Katie Daly was written and sung by my uncle Eamonn O'Shea , real name Herman Weight. Although his name is German, it was deemed more appropriate to use an Irish name. The name Katie Daly was based on his wife's aunt in America at the time whose name was Kay Daly.

Tipperary - a town in Count Tipperary, Ireland
Tombstone City - historic western city in Cochise County, Arizona, USA.
the Great Divide - in this context from Earth to Heaven
nevermore - never again

Genre: Irish Folk Song

Covers: Dessie O'Halloran, Mike Denver, Hugo Duncan, Dermot O'Brien, Tom Dunphy and many others.

Album: Memories (1991 - GB - CD - Ronco Records)

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