My Irish Molly O lyrics

The Dublin City Ramblers

Molly dear and did you hear the news that's going round
Down in a corner of my heart, a love is what I've found
And every time I look into your Irish eyes so blue
They seem to whisper darling boy, my love is all for you.

O Molly, my Irish Molly, my sweet acushla dear,
I'm fairly off my trolley, my Irish Molly when you are near.
Springtime you know is ring time.
Come dear now don't be so slow.
Change your name go on be game.
Begorra and I'll do the same My Irish Molly O

Molly dear now did you hear I furnished up the flat
Three little cosy rooms with bath and a 'welcome' on the mat
It's five pounds down and two a week, we'll soon be out of debt
It's all complete except they haven't brought the cradle yet

O Molly, my Irish Molly, my sweet acushla dear,
I'm fairly off my trolley, my Irish Molly when you are near.
Springtime you know is ring time.
Come dear now don't be so slow.
Change your name go on be game.
Begorra and I'll do the same My Irish Molly O


Molly dear now did you hear what all the neighbours say
About the hundred sovereigns you have safely stowed away
They say that's why I love you, ah but Molly that's a shame
If you had only ninety-nine, I'd love you just the same

O Molly, my Irish Molly, my sweet acushla dear,
I'm fairly off my trolley, my Irish Molly when you are near.
Springtime you know is ring time.
Come dear now don't be so slow.
Change your name go on be game.
Begorra and I'll do the same My Irish Molly O

Song Details

My Irish Molly O

Composer: Jean Schwartz - Born 0n Nov 4th, 1878 in Budapest Hungary with the family moving to New York when he was 13 years old. He died Nov 30th, 1956, aged 78.

Lyricist: William Jerome - Born William Jerome Flannery on Sept. 30th, 1865 in Cornwall-on-Hudson, New York, USA. His parents were Irish immigrants, Mary Donnellan and Patrick Flannery. He died June 25th, 1932, aged 66.

Date: 1905

acushla - darling... a term of endearment
off my trolley - crazy
Begorra - used as a mild oath... 'By God'
sovereign - a gold coin of the United Kingdom equal to one pound sterling - went out of circulation after 1914.

Genre:  Irish Folk Song, Vaudeville, Minstrel

Featured Artists: The Dublin City Ramblers

Album: The Ferryman... (1983 - IE - 12" Vinyl - Dolphin Records)

Covers: Golden Bough, De Danann, Kieran Lundy, Maura O'Connell, My Irish Molly O, John McNicholl, The Irish Descendants, The Dublin City Ramblers (featured), Celtic Thunder, Michael Londra...

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