She Is Like The Swallow lyrics
Karan CaseyShe is like the swallow that flies on high
She is like the river that never runs dry
She is like the sun beaming on the lea shore
I love my love, but love is no more
A maiden into her garden did go
For to pluck her some wild primrose
The more she plucked, the more she did pull
Until this maiden's apron was full
Then out of these roses she made a bed
A scarlet pillow for her head
She laid her down, no words she did speak
And then this maiden's heart, it did break
She is like the swallow that flies on high
She is like the river that never runs dry
She is like the sun beaming on the lea shore
I love my love, but love is no more
Song Details

Author: Unknown - also titled She's Like The Swallow
Brief: The song is about a young girl who enters into a relationship, falls in love and becomes pregnant. Her lover leaves her... devastated and heartbroken she ends up taking her own life.
Symbolism: There are a variety of phrases used here that symbolize certain events. Here are just a few which are open to speculation:
A maiden into her garden did go - she met her lover
For to pluck her some wild primrose - she entered into a relationship
The more she plucked, the more she did pull - she fell in love
Until this maiden's apron was full - she fell pregnant
Category: Traditional Folk Song - originated from Newfoundland in Canada and has been adopted by many Irish singers due to its strong Celtic flavour.
Covers: Cara Dillon, Fionnuala Gill, Lucia Micarelli, Toni Gibson, Karli Anderson, Gordon Pinsent...
Album by Karan Casey - Songlines (Feb 18, 1997)