Sweet Rosie O'Grady
Original LyricsJust down around the corner of the street where I reside,
There lives the cutest little girl that I have ever spied;
Her name is Rose O'Grady and, I don't mind telling you,
That she's the sweetest little Rose the garden ever grew.
Sweet Rosie O'Grady, my dear little Rose,
She's my steady lady, most ev'ryone knows.
And, when we are married, how happy we'll be;
I love sweet Rosie O'Grady, and Rosie O'Grady loves me.
I never shall forget the day she promised to be mine,
As we sat telling love tales in the golden summer time.
'Twas on her finger that I placed a small engagement ring,
While in the trees, the little birds this song they seemed to sing!
Sweet Rosie O'Grady, my dear little Rose,
She's my steady lady, most ev'ryone knows.
And, when we are married, how happy we'll be;
I love sweet Rosie O'Grady, and Rosie O'Grady loves me.

Song Details
Music & Lyrics: Maude Nugent - singer/composer born in Brooklyn, New York City on January 12, 1873 and died on June 3, 1958. A successful vaudeville singer, she wrote Sweet Rosie O'Grady which was a huge hit with the sheet music selling over a million copies in 1896... the song went on to become the waltz ballad of the era.
Note: Most videos of the song only feature the chorus. I have found one that includes a verse by The Freddy Williams Barbershop Quartet (see below). The lyrics are slightly altered and the verse is different to any of the original verses.
James Joyce, an Irish novelst and poet was one of the most influential authors of the 20th century. He has a number of musical references scattered throughout his works and Sweet Rosie O'Grady is one of them.
Category: Waltz Ballad
Covers: Maude Nugent (author), The Freddy Williams Four (featured), Bing Crosby, The Shannon Quartet, Killarney Singers, Kevin McDermott, Barry O'Dowd & The Shamrock Singers.
Album by The Freddy Williams Four - Best Of Barbershop (July 08, 2002)
Sweet Rosie O'Grady - The Freddy Williams Four
Within a charming cottage near the place that saw my birth
There dwells the sweetest little flower that ever grew on earth
This flower is known as Rosie, 'tis her lovely christian name
But had she any other name, I'd love her just the same
Sweet Rosie O'Grady, my beautiful Rose
She's my little lady, that everyone knows
And when we are married, how happy we'll be
I love sweet Rosie O'Grady and Rosie O'Grady loves me
(She loves me...)
I never shall forget the day she promised to be mine,
As we sat telling love tales with a happiness divine.
Upon her finger then I placed a small engagement ring,
While in the trees, the little birds, this love song seemed to sing!
Sweet Rosie O'Grady, my beautiful Rose
She's my little lady, that everyone knows
And when we are married, how happy we'll be
I love sweet Rosie O'Grady and Rosie O'Grady loves me
I love sweet Rosie O'Grady and Rosie O'Grady loves me
Rosie O'Grady loves me