Whack Fol the Diddle lyrics
The Clancy Brothers & Tommy MakemI'll sing you a song of peace and love,
Whack fol the diddle all the di do day.
Of the land that reigns all lands above.
Whack fol the diddle all the di do day.
May peace and plenty be her share
Who kept our homes from want and care,
God bless Mother England is our prayer.
Whack fol the diddle all the di do day.
Whack fol the diddle all the di do day.
So we say, Hip Hooray!
Come and listen while we pray.
Whack fol the diddle all the di do day.
Now our fathers oft were naughty boys.
Whack fol the diddle all the di do day.
For pikes and guns are dangerous toys.
Whack fol the diddle all the di do day.
At Bearna Baol at Bunkers Hill
We made poor England cry her fill,
But ould Brittania loves us still!
Whack fol the diddle all the di do day.
Whack fol the diddle all the di do day.
So we say, Hip Hooray!
God bless England so we pray.
Whack fol the diddle all the di do day.
Now when we were savage, fierce and wild
Whack fol the diddle all the di do day.
She came as a mother to her child.
Whack fol the diddle all the di do day.
Gently raised us from the slime
And kept our hands from hellish crime,
And she sent us to Heaven in her own good time.
Whack fol the diddle all the di do day.
Whack fol the diddle all the di do day.
So we say, Hip Hooray!
God bless England so we pray.
Whack fol the diddle all the di do day.
Oh now Irishmen, forget the past!
Whack fol the diddle all the di do day.
And think of the day that's coming fast.
When we shall all be civilized,
Neat and clean and well-advised.
Oh won't Mother England be surprised?
Whack fol the diddle all the di do day.
Whack fol the diddle all the di do day.
So we say, Hip Hooray!
God bless England so we pray.
Whack fol the diddle all the di do day.
Song Details

Tommy Makem
Writer: Peadar Kearney - an Irish Republican and composer of numerous Irish Rebel Songs. He was born in Dublin, Dec 12, 1883 and died Nov 24, 1942.
He wrote the lyrics to A Soldier's Song in 1907 which is now the Irish National Anthem.
Other popular songs include, Down By The Glenside (Bold Fenian Men), Down by the Liffey Side, Erin Go Bragh, Knockcroghery, and The Tri-coloured Ribbon.
He was also the uncle of republican songwriters, Brendan and Dominic Behan.
Brief: An Irish Rebel song filled with sarcasm towards the British Empire in a light-hearted portrayal of events. It is sometimes referred to as God bless England.
Category: Irish Rebel Song
Covers: The Clancy Brothers (featured), Liam Clancy, Tommy Makem, The Dubliners, The Wolfhound.
Album: The Rising Of The Moon: Irish Songs Of Rebellion (Dec 31, 1967)
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